Sunday, August 23, 2020

Engaging Stories

A great way to start a presentation is to begin with a story.  A story captures the attention of an audience.  It gives them an opportunity to be a part of your experience.  End the story with a question.  Give your audience a chance to provide their thoughts.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Bright Stars

Grab a sheet of black cardstock & a silver gel roller marker.  Draw dots of different sizes on the cardstock in any direction.  Take a white gel roller marker then connect a few of the dots to create an object.  What do you see?  You have created your very own constellation of stars!

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Summer Blooms

I love to capture photos of flowers during the Summer.  The details of the flowers such as the petals, colors, & leaves are perfect to create a drawing.   Take photos of your favorite Summer blooms then use the photos to draw an original drawing.