Monday, June 29, 2020

Written Words

I often read books on many different topics.  If I see a word that draws my interest, I will highlight it or write it down.  If I need a specific word for written content, I will review the word list to use.  This has helped me when I need words if I experience a writer's block.  It's a great way to build new ideas for written content.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Stars at Night

Do you love to gaze at the Summer night sky as the stars shine bright?  Take a black construction paper & a white pencil.  Draw your own constellation on the paper.  What will you name your constellation?  Create a story for your stars!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Summer Ladybug

I love the deep red color of a ladybug.  I created this graphic using basic shapes & lines.  Use a graphic software to design a ladybug to celebrate Summer.