Thursday, December 31, 2020

Creative Inspiration For 2021

Do you have creative inspirations for 2021?  Start a daily journal to write your thoughts & ideas.  Begin creating new forms of art for the new year!

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Origami Card

Origami cards are simple to make.  Take a sheet of origami paper.  Fold all four corners towards the center.  Open the corners.  Draw your art inside.  Fold the corners towards the center again.  Place the card in an envelope to give.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Christmas Tree Ornaments

You can make holiday ornaments from cardboard.  Take a sheet of cardboard.  Draw outlines of holiday theme objects such as a snowman, holiday tree, or a gingerbread man.  Cut the shape out.  Decorate or design the ornaments with your favorite markers.  Punch a hole at the top then tie a ribbon through.  You can also tie these to gift bags.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Holiday Ornaments

Hand designed ornaments are wonderful gifts to give.  You can design on acrylic, glass, wood, or paper.  Use different types of material to design your ornaments for 2020.  Wrap the ornaments with holiday scrapbook paper.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Double Rainbow Photography

A storm passed by one evening.  After the storm, a beautiful double rainbow appeared.  I was able to capture this photo as the sun illuminated the sky.  

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Online Art Portfolios

Online art portfolios provide a great opportunity to showcase your work.  It also allows you to share your work with other fellow artists.  Here's my portfolio to serve as an inspiration:

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Thankful Thoughts

What are you most thankful for?  Write your thoughts down on a paper, inside a journal, or a note to give to someone.  Design your thoughts with inspiring artwork.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Our Mascot


I designed our company mascot using the elements of our logo.  I created a mascot that symbolizes our universe using a cartoon character.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Halloween Art

Do you love to draw Halloween theme art?  Take orange colored construction paper & your markers.  Draw pumpkins, ghosts, or any of your favorite Halloween characters.  Place the artwork on your front door or windows of your home.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Pumpkin Designs

Do you love to carve or design on pumpkins?  Before you carve, sketch a few designs on paper.  Use the design on the paper as a guide to draw the layout on the pumpkin.  What's your favorite design?  Share your comments here.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Pressed Fall Leaf

Do you love the colors of autumn?  It's a great season to collect Fall colored leaves.  Press the leaves between sheets of paper then place a heavy book on top of the paper.  Let the leaves dry for one week.  Store the dried leaves in a box away from the sun to keep the colors from fading.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Favorite Quotes

Quotes can provide inspirations, ideas, & creativity.  Do you have a favorite quote?  Write the quote on your favorite type of art paper.  Place the paper by your office desk as a source of daily inspiration.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Art Supplies

Do you have favorite art supplies that you love to create with?  I like to use a mixture of colored pencils, lead pencils, & ink.  They are easy to work with & no mess!  I also like to use watercolor pencils since they are easy to draw with.  I use a little water & a small paintbrush to brush over the watercolor drawings.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Dragonfly Rose Petal

I often press flower petals & leaves to use for my artwork.  I drew a dragonfly on this rose petal.  It's a delicate process to draw gently on the petal.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Engaging Stories

A great way to start a presentation is to begin with a story.  A story captures the attention of an audience.  It gives them an opportunity to be a part of your experience.  End the story with a question.  Give your audience a chance to provide their thoughts.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Bright Stars

Grab a sheet of black cardstock & a silver gel roller marker.  Draw dots of different sizes on the cardstock in any direction.  Take a white gel roller marker then connect a few of the dots to create an object.  What do you see?  You have created your very own constellation of stars!

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Summer Blooms

I love to capture photos of flowers during the Summer.  The details of the flowers such as the petals, colors, & leaves are perfect to create a drawing.   Take photos of your favorite Summer blooms then use the photos to draw an original drawing.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Inspiring Quote

Do you have a favorite inspiring quote?  Write it down or print it.  Place the quote in a frame then place on a desk or hang on a room wall.  Let the quote serve as your daily inspiration.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Peacock Feather Colors

Peacocks have beautiful feather colors.  I love the color combination of purple, blue, & green fused together to create the feather design.  Use the color palette of peacock feathers for your next inspiring artwork.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Hidden Iguana Photography

Can you find the hidden iguana?  I took this photo during a trip to Mexico.  I love the green cactus color & the pink fruit color combination.  The gray color of the iguana gives the photo a neutral tone.  Which bright colors & neutral colors do you like to photograph?

Monday, June 29, 2020

Written Words

I often read books on many different topics.  If I see a word that draws my interest, I will highlight it or write it down.  If I need a specific word for written content, I will review the word list to use.  This has helped me when I need words if I experience a writer's block.  It's a great way to build new ideas for written content.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Stars at Night

Do you love to gaze at the Summer night sky as the stars shine bright?  Take a black construction paper & a white pencil.  Draw your own constellation on the paper.  What will you name your constellation?  Create a story for your stars!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Summer Ladybug

I love the deep red color of a ladybug.  I created this graphic using basic shapes & lines.  Use a graphic software to design a ladybug to celebrate Summer.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Music + Art = Inspiration

Do you love music?  Music can serve as an inspiration for creating art.  Play music the next time you begin painting, drawing, or designing.  This will give you another avenue for creating an amazing masterpiece!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Content of Engagement

The best way to engage with others is to ask questions.  This leads to conversation starters which eventually leads to learning about the interests of others.  How do you grow your social media engagement?  Post questions, reply to comments, & provide your thoughts on topics of interest.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Colors of Tulips

I took this photo at a local botanical gardens while the tulips were blooming.  I love the color combinations of these flowers.  The orange & yellow remind me of a sunset.  The red & white stripes resemble those of a candy cane.  Floral colors can be used for your art palette.  

Friday, April 17, 2020

Writing A Story

Do you remember reading a story as a child?  Or reading a true inspiring story as an adult?  Sharing stories can inspire, educate, & create a world of imagination.  How will you write your own story?  Write a story that's creative, engaging, & inspirational.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Light of the Sun

How does the light from the sun illuminate an object?  Can you see the shadow & the glow of the object at the same time?  Use nature's sunlight for your next artwork.  Watch how the shadow moves as the sun's position changes.  Create several drawings using the time sequence of the sun's movement.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Your Voice

Use your unique voice to create an engaging dialog on social media.  Create posts that spark a conversation & keep your audience connected.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Spring Colors

Which colors of the Spring season inspire you?  Do the new green tree leaves or the vibrant wildflower colors inspire your Spring color collection?  Add these colors to your seasonal artwork.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Blooming Flowers of Spring

I'm beginning to see the birth of Spring during my morning drives.  Flowers are starting to bloom with a palette of colors.  Which colors of Spring flowers would you choose for your palette?  Share your thoughts here.  Happy Spring!

Monday, February 24, 2020

Flowers by Avi S Photography

Avi S, a friend of mine, loves to capture nature through his art of photography.  He enjoys taking photos during his hiking adventures & often shares his journey through social media.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Artistic Wrapping Paper

Do you have a gift to wrap?  Use artistic paper for wrapping.  For example, comic book pages, colorful magazine art, or design your own art on a sheet of paper.  Add a handmade card with a special note.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Drawing Birds

Every morning I enjoy feeding the birds.  Cardinals, blue jays, & woodpeckers grab their breakfast & fly towards the trees.  Do you have a favorite bird that you enjoy visiting your home?  Grab your sketch book to sketch your favorite bird.  Add details & color after you complete your drawing.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Beach Sunset

An evening sunset at the beach is a wonderful way to end the day.  I used variations of colors to create the sand, water, and the sunset glow.  Colors can be blended together to form a work of art.  

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Winter Snowflakes

Snowflakes are mother nature's art formation from ice crystals.  Each snowflake has a unique one of a kind design.  How would you design your own snowflake?  Draw your winter inspiration!

Friday, January 10, 2020

Friday Happiness

It's the end of the work week.  What inspires your happiness on a Friday?  Draw your happy thoughts in a journal.  Share your inspirations on social media. :)