Friday, August 23, 2013

Artistic Address Labels

The next time you address an envelope consider designing your own address label.  Pick up a package of white address labels at your local office supply store.  Write your mailing address on the labels. Leave enough room either to the right or left of your address.  Create a simple design such as a heart, star, flower, sun, or any design you like.  Stick the label on your envelope then mail away.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Sunshine Card

I love summer! Here's how to design a fun summer card.  Purchase a pack of smiley face stickers & cardstock.  Place a smiley face sticker towards the center of the card.  Draw lines around the sticker.  These lines will be the rays of the sun.  Draw clouds in the background.  Write a summer greeting on the inside of the card.  Send the card to someone special. :)